Abuse & Copyright reports


If you believe any material on our site violates your copyright or trademarks, please send a DMCA request to hobbyist@hobbyistsoftware.com

A valid DMCA request should contain the following:

  1. Identify the original copyrighted work (or works if there ar multiple) you claim has been infringed
  2. Identify the material that is infringing your copyrighted work
  3. Include your contact information so that you can be reached if necessary
  4. Include a statement your complaint is in good faith
  5. Include a statement the information in the notification is accurate
  6. Include a statement that under penalty of perjury you are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed
  7. Be signed (whether in writing of via electronic signature) by the copyright owner or agent

Other reasons

If you want to report a screenshot for any other reason, (for example abuse or offensive content), then please send a request to hobbyist@hobbyistsoftware.com

Please include the following:

  1. Identify the material that you are reporting
  2. The reason for your report / request
  3. Include your contact information so that you can be reached if necessary